Currently the market offers many fake honeys because the consumption of honey is still high and natural honey production is restricted.
This guide will then assist the user in understanding the different aspects of honey adulteration as well as how the user can have the best chances of consuming the real thing.
The Fact about Honey Analyzing Techniques You can do in Home? The Common Routinely Used Lab Techniques from FSSAI India International Approved Investigations How honey is fake? Adulterated honey is often mixed with:Adulterated honey is often mixed with:
Molasses Liquid Glucose Invert Sugar High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Rice Syrup : While honey is a natural sweetener derived from bees, other sweeteners are processed and include the following: Molasses Liquid Glucose Sugar Invert Sugar High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Rice Syrup Honey Maher Al Kaysi : It’s also known as Saccharum officinarum The Reality Of Honey Testing Methods
Solubility Test Flame Test Burn Test Blot Test or Flowing Test Honey Comb Pattern Test Thumb Test Ant Test for Honey Purity Test Dog Test to Conduct Honey Purity Test Routine Laboratory Methods And FSSAI Parameters (India) FSSAI tests for honey include:Solubility Test Flame Test Burn Test Blot Test or Flowing Test Honey Comb Pattern Test Thumb Test Ant Test for Honey Purity Test Dog Test to Conduct Honey Purity Test Routine Laboratory Methods And FSSAI Parameters (India) FSSAI tests for honey include
Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) Pollen Test Electrical Conductivity Test Advanced Internationally Accepted Tests The most reliable methods to ensure honey purity are: a) 13C EA/LC-IRMS: Element analysis combined with liquid chromatography isotopic ratio mass spectrometry b) LC-HRMS test: Liquid chromatography accompanied by a high-resolution mass spectrum c) Proline Quantity d) TMR & SMR: Trace Marker for rice syrup, Specific Marker for rice syrup e) NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
With this information, you are able to make the right decisions when buying honey that will help you identify fake honey and just go for the real thing.
To identify the type of honey for specific testing parameters, consider the following factors:To identify the type of honey for specific testing parameters, consider the following factors
Understanding the geographical origin of the honey together with its botanical source can help in the type of tests that need to be conducted.
For instance, the monofloral honey needs to undergo pollen count analysis to verify its cleanliness and indeed originating from the stated flowers.
The knowledge of the process by which the honey was processed would go a long way in discovering any adulterant.
Pasteurized honey is in a way – less nutritive than the raw honey as due to pasteurization, some amount of enzymes are killed and the overall nutritional value is also lower.
The bees produce different types of honey and there are differences in color and texture of the honey which can be used to tell whether honey has been admixed or not.
While many people think that the presence of small particles in honey is undesirable and means that it is spoiled, clear and smooth honey actually points to filtered or processed honey, whereas, honey that contains some particles, pollen or granules is actually healthy honey.
Products differ not only in their appearance: the taste and smell of honey will also allow to understand that it is.
Each type of honey can be identified by its taste and smell, and this is the reason why the FBI uses it to distinguish between the fake one.
Looking at the packaging as well as the labels that are put on the honey can help in knowing the origin of honey, the process undergone and quality of the honey.
Search for labels stating that the product is organic or non-GMO and to ensure the two labels are similar or have little differences in their meanings on the label.
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